Public Health

Analysis of public health, social and public policy including impacts on  economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of public health are translated into multiple languages.

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The Cause of Myocarditis: COVID19 or COVID19 Vaccination?


A reader can correct me if I am wrong but, I have not seen ANY analysis that uses the denominator of infections. Many papers model this denominator, but the correct method would be to perform seroprevalence of a large cohort. Can anyone provide a link to such a paper— one that uses a denominator of seroprevalence? 

The Cause of Myocarditis: COVID19 or COVID19 Vaccination? Read More

The Mandate on Business Intensifies the Crisis


21 months. Citizens are desperately struggling to get out from under the yoke of this despotism, and using every opportunity available to do so. Politicians who back these policies are being swept out of office. And yet they carry on. It appears that the sadistic state is quickly becoming a masochistic one. 

The Mandate on Business Intensifies the Crisis Read More

Rev. Cotton Mather and the 18th-Century Battle Over Smallpox Inoculation


One of the most fascinating battles between opposing views about variolation occurred during the New England smallpox epidemic of 1721. When a ship brought smallpox to Boston, authorities responded by ordering a cleaning of the streets and isolation of cases. It did not work.

Rev. Cotton Mather and the 18th-Century Battle Over Smallpox Inoculation Read More

Escrava Anastácia

The Mask of Your Enslavement: The Image, History, and Meaning of Escrava Anastácia


While there are clear specificities between the suffering of Africans under the system of chattel slavery and the deprivation of civil liberties endured by most citizens around the world during the current pandemic panic, Anastácia reminds us of certain transhistorical constants in the process of dehumanization and subjugation of populations through the gagging and muzzling of their bodies to quell their protestations. 

The Mask of Your Enslavement: The Image, History, and Meaning of Escrava Anastácia Read More

Why I Will Not Take the Second Dose


The advent of a vaccine to relieve the human population of the menace of a fatal disease should be a moment of global celebration. But to the Zero Covid mind, Covid-19 vaccines are a weapon in a fight against nature, not a voluntary health intervention to protect the vulnerable. And when humans with their propensity for muddled thinking position themselves against nature, they invariably end up positioning themselves against fellow humans. 

Why I Will Not Take the Second Dose Read More

Dr. Julie Ponesse

Do Not Give Up Your Rights ~ Dr. Julie Ponesse’s Speech


The dismissive, well-rehearsed messaging of our public health officials has created a highly efficient machine that does not publish its evidence or engage in debate, but only issues orders that we obligingly follow. With the help of the media, its mistakes are hidden, its policies unquestioned, its dissenters silenced.

Do Not Give Up Your Rights ~ Dr. Julie Ponesse’s Speech Read More

The Damage of Masking Children Could be Irreparable


Given the development of abilities to discriminate faces and nuances in faces and emotions that show in faces, based on specific face-discrimination neurology in a specific area of the brain, what year-long (and growing) period of time do you want to take the risk of impairing by surrounding children with masked faces while limiting social interaction? 

The Damage of Masking Children Could be Irreparable Read More

A Review and Autopsy of Two COVID Immunity Studies


“I have worked on vaccine epidemiology since I joined the Harvard faculty almost two decades ago as a biostatistician. I have never before seen such a large discrepancy between studies that are supposed to answer the same question. In this article, I carefully dissect both studies, describe how the analyses differ, and explain why the Israeli study is more reliable.” ~ Martin Kulldorff

A Review and Autopsy of Two COVID Immunity Studies Read More

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