Public Health

Analysis of public health, social and public policy including impacts on  economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of public health are translated into multiple languages.

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Vaclav Havel and the Semiotics of Public Masking


To reject the ideological schemes of “reality” imposed from above to instead embrace the most true and fundamental impulses of life is precisely what those wonderful pilots, nurses, teachers, policemen, lawyers parents and many others are doing right now before the tyranny of mask and vaccine mandates. 

Vaclav Havel and the Semiotics of Public Masking Read More

The Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine Monopoly: The Backstory


For all the talk of the power of Big Pharma, the Covid-19 vaccine that is currently becoming the standard throughout the Western world has a far more powerful state sponsor and the state sponsor is Germany. This raises particularly obvious and thorny issues for the European Union, where the vaccine contracts for all 27 member states were negotiated by a European Commission that is headed by former German Minister of Defense Ursula von der Leyen. 

The Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine Monopoly: The Backstory Read More

Germany and France suspend Moderna vaccination for People < 30 years Old


Europe has made fewer unforced errors than the USA. They did not mask 2 year olds without data; They were (and still are) more reluctant to vaccinate younger individuals, and they take myocarditis seriously. We have a lot to learn from them on how to balance drug efficacy with safety.

Germany and France suspend Moderna vaccination for People < 30 years Old Read More

The Economic and Health Effects of Mass Covid-19 Vaccination


From these results it seems that mass vaccination is some sort of get-out-of-jail card, as a way to get out of ruinously expensive lockdowns and allow some rebound in economic activity. Yet it was politicians and health bureaucrats who put us in jail in the first place. At any time they could undo what they imposed, with or without mass vaccination.

The Economic and Health Effects of Mass Covid-19 Vaccination Read More

Why Mask Mandates Should be Repealed Immediately


It is time to stop mask mandates for healthy people. It is no longer possible to justify a behavioral experiment with such far-reaching harmful consequences. Many scientific studies and analysis all arrive at the same conclusion: the wearing of masks by healthy people cannot stop the spread of a virus. 

Why Mask Mandates Should be Repealed Immediately Read More

judgement against OSHA

Excerpts From the 5th Circuit Court Judgement Against OSHA


A federal appeals court in New Orleans has stopped the vaccination and testing requirement for private businesses as ordered by the Biden administration and the Labor Department’s regulatory division for workplace safety. The decision is notable not only for its decisive judgement but also for its striking language that properly frames the draconian edict for what it is, and decries in pointed language the goal and methods being deployed against workers. 

Excerpts From the 5th Circuit Court Judgement Against OSHA Read More

vaccine mandate unethical

Vaccine Mandates are Unethical


It is an odd reality about vaccine mandates that they aim to increase vaccination among working-age adults and even children, including those with natural immunity, rather than the high-risk elderly. The well of public trust in public health is finite, and to waste it on a policy that seeks to increase vaccination rates in a lower risk population makes little sense. 

Vaccine Mandates are Unethical Read More

Bill Gates

Why Bill Gates Is Pivoting on Existing Covid Vaccines


Once you understand the simplicity of his core confusions, everything else he says makes sense from his point of view. He seems forever stuck in the fallacy that the human being is a cog in a massive machine called society that cries out for his managerial and technological leadership to improve to the point of operational perfection.

Why Bill Gates Is Pivoting on Existing Covid Vaccines Read More

Aaron Rodgers and the Absurdity of Media Coverage of Covid Policy


Ultimately picking weak spokespeople is a broader strategy that undermines debate itself and encourages rampant groupthink, which itself is the defining quality of our media response. If you pick a weak debater to argue the other side, it makes it easy for you to entrench in your own pre-existing belief. It is a cheap tactic.

Aaron Rodgers and the Absurdity of Media Coverage of Covid Policy Read More

The Mask Distraction


There are many open questions about the actions taken in response to the pandemic, and, in my view, a most relevant one is whether the mandatory use of masks helped mitigate the spread of Covid-19, or if it was just a distraction, which may have even hindered the fight against the pandemic.

The Mask Distraction Read More

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