Why Masks? Control, Power, and Revenue
Somehow this whole mess sums up everything about Covid policy. What started as a symbol that everyone knew was largely ineffective ends up as a bullying revenue racket.
Somehow this whole mess sums up everything about Covid policy. What started as a symbol that everyone knew was largely ineffective ends up as a bullying revenue racket.
We must bring this sad state of government-promoted mandates to an end. And we must follow the wisdom the field of public health has acquired over a hundred years about what works, what protects people from both COVID and other health risks, and what protects the social fabric of our larger human experience.
Great Barrington Declaration: One Year Later Read Journal Article
In taking this action, LinkedIn has denied crucial information to millions of professionals who deserve to hear a different opinion about the mass firings taking place in light of the vaccine mandates that contradict the known science and freedom in the marketplace for jobs. The move is a direct hit against workers and their career aspirations.
Harvard Epidemiologist Censored by LinkedIn for Defending Healthcare Jobs Read Journal Article
Exaggerating COVID harms in children and their role in disease spread in order to promote vaccination is a harmful and losing strategy.
In this remarkable exchange, the two square off on natural immunity and the vaccine mandates that Becerra is imposing on the entire country. This exchange will surely go down in history as one of the most striking and public denials of basic science and medicine in the modern age.
Hospitals are firing nurses and other staff with superior natural immunity while retaining those with weaker vaccine- induced immunity. By doing so, they are betraying their patients, increasing their risk for hospital acquired infections.
Hospitals Should Hire, Not Fire, Nurses with Natural Immunity Read Journal Article
This is no longer about scientific confusion. This is starting to look like an old-fashioned political purge, whether justified by fake science or theology. It is happening at many levels of society.
The solution to distress that is caused by closed services, missed education, lost income, poverty, debt, or coercive public health interventions is not to be found in psychiatric services – and particularly not in psychiatric services whose treatment options have been restricted to pharmacology only approaches.
Psychiatry Will Not Save Us from Lockdown Harm Read Journal Article
Unless the courts strike it down, soon every worker who works for a firm with more than 100 employees will have to be vaccinated or undergo a weekly Covid test. Already, major events and conferences are requiring this (including one I’ll be at next week). Healthcare workers who have put themselves at risk the entirety of the pandemic – many if not most of whom are naturally immune – are literally being fired.
The Mandatory Vaccine Insanity Must Stop Read Journal Article
His appointment in Florida has been cheered by the many people who have worked for 20 months to draw attention to the data, traditional public health principles, the known science behind viruses and epidemics, the priority of therapeutics over vaccine mandates, as well as the values of freedom and human rights.
Introducing Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Surgeon General of Florida: Video and Transcript Read Journal Article
Whatever the reason, the cultural infrastructure that had made life in Australia free, prosperous, and generally good did not protect the country against a mad rush into totalitarianism.
Only Freedom Can Fix a Broken Australia Read Journal Article
The medical experts and these Task Forces have been wrong. Every decision has proven disastrous and they have caused far greater suffering and death from the collateral effects of the lockdowns and restrictions. Medical experts who inform governments should broaden the advisement table and allow other voices to be heard. Allow other scientists and lay persons a seat at the table for as it stands, those currently at the table have only made illogical, irrational, unscientific, nonsensical, often absurd and even reckless decisions that have only hurt lives.