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Remember Those Who Cannot Speak


Remember this: every article you read on this site represents the views of thousands of learned and concerned people who are not in a position to speak. Every author here has taken risks and knows the stakes of the debate in which we find ourselves at the center. There is a silent group out there of highly intelligent people who are deeply grateful to all our supporters for making this opportunity to speak truth to power possible. 

Remember Those Who Cannot Speak Read Journal Article

Preferred Pronouns Lit the Path to Covid Science Denialism


The idea behind the move to preferred pronouns is that everyone’s own conception of their gender identity deserves the protection of law. The unintended and perverse yet entirely predictable consequence is that the wilful suspension of biological reality with pretend facts is a threat to women. 

Preferred Pronouns Lit the Path to Covid Science Denialism Read Journal Article

Did You Join the Conga Line?


Empathy for small business owners damaged or ruined by the conga-line in support of lockdowns is almost nonexistent. Small businesses have been strangled. The owners have lost their dreams. They’ve lost their livelihoods; they’ve lost their savings. And, let’s not forget the last generation from which some of those businesses were purchased. That prior generation has lost their retirement plans. 

Did You Join the Conga Line? Read Journal Article

But Will Elections Change Anything?


In the end, what’s more powerful than political changes and even election upheavals, which too often fail through subversion, are dramatic shifts in public opinion. Every institution ultimately bends to that, which is why research, education, great journalism, and competent media outlets, plus friendship networks and community organizing, might actually be more foundational than elections. All of this has begun and it is growing. Therein lies the real hope. 

But Will Elections Change Anything? Read Journal Article

The Demonization of the Unvaccinated: A Look Back


It was never remotely realistic for any government to expect every single person to get vaccinated, especially when the vaccine in question involved a novel genetic-based therapy. Thus, these proposals to impose draconian hardships on those who refused Covid vaccines would inevitably involve the state imposing draconian hardships on a sizable portion of the population.

The Demonization of the Unvaccinated: A Look Back Read Journal Article

Australia Will Not Move On Until There Is Justice 


We’re already seeing prominent perpetrators and collaborators claiming to have, and to have always had, reservations about what happened. They are trying to create for themselves a revisionist backstory that absolves them from their abominable conduct. These perpetrators and collaborators cannot be redeemed without confession. That they must be forgiven is not in question, but apologies to and restitution for their victims are essential.

Australia Will Not Move On Until There Is Justice  Read Journal Article

Colbert, Fauci, and the Externalization of Mental Illness


Life is hard. Everyone I know bears some burden or other. Most do so with equanimity and dignity, and without victimizing others. It’s been deeply wrong—and extremely selfish—for Colbert, Fauci and their groupies to have externalized their mental unwellness on hundreds of millions of others by insisting on society-wide, lastingly destructive Coronavirus interventions.

Colbert, Fauci, and the Externalization of Mental Illness Read Journal Article

The Work of Human Hands


While people stayed in houses, sewage plants and wastewater treatment facilities continued to operate. People had to work at power plants to supply electricity to homes. Hands had built cellphone towers and satellites to enable phone and Internet reception. More hands maintained the towers and satellites. Before 2020, we may not have remembered or seen these real people with real hands doing real work in the physical world. Their lives mattered then and they matter now – even while many others stayed home or are still staying home. 

The Work of Human Hands Read Journal Article

Pfizer Marvel Disney

Why Is Pfizer Attempting Comix?


This is brave of Marvel and Disney. Mixing face masks and vaccines with super heroes is either very confident, or very profitable. Dress it up how you want, but bandaids on old men’s arms aren’t exactly superhero-ish. It’s a long way from muscular Thor and his hammer. And every adverse vaccine event stands to puncture the allure of the super hero like a needle through a cape.

Why Is Pfizer Attempting Comix? Read Journal Article

truth must come out

What If the Truth Never Comes Out?


Anecdotes of the harms of the last two years are palpable but ignored. Patients complain of symptoms their doctors won’t acknowledge. Citizens tell stories the media ignores. Family members try to open dialogue only to be shut down. The stories are told but, for the most part, they aren’t being heard.

What If the Truth Never Comes Out? Read Journal Article