
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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Chronicles of an unvaccinated leftist

Chronicles of an Unvaccinated Leftist


The prejudice observed against the unvaccinated was far from minimal. It was two and a half times greater than the exclusionary attitudes toward immigrants from the Middle East. Researchers discovered that the unvaccinated were as disliked as individuals struggling with drug addiction and significantly more so than people who had been released from prison.

Chronicles of an Unvaccinated Leftist Read Journal Article

Former CDC Scientist

A Revealing Dialogue with a Former CDC Scientist


We met up with Norman for what was planned to be a short meeting to introduce ourselves and informally discuss common interests around covid. However, this turned into a two-hour long, wide-ranging and fascinating discussion that touched on a huge number of topics.

A Revealing Dialogue with a Former CDC Scientist Read Journal Article

Anti-Lockdown Goes Mainstream

Anti-Lockdown Goes Mainstream


What we have with this book and article is an important step. It is just one step. Lockdowns utterly shattered the protocols of public health, settled law, and freedom itself all over the world. They wrecked myriad institutions, wrought an incredible economic and cultural crisis, demoralized the whole population, and built up a leviathan of command and control that is not only not backing down but growing ever more. Far more will be required to utterly and completely repudiate the methods and madness of our epoch. 

Anti-Lockdown Goes Mainstream Read Journal Article

Corruption of Public Health

How Did the Corruption of Public Health Happen?


International public health is a mess. Once seen generally as a public good, the focus of the World Health Organization (WHO) now more closely resembles a scheme for extracting private profit from the public purse. Wealthy corporations drive a ‘public-private partnership’ agenda, the foundations of the rich determine global priorities, and a propagandized public are ever more removed from decision-making regarding their own well-being.

How Did the Corruption of Public Health Happen? Read Journal Article

tell the truth

Should Scientists be Allowed to Tell the Truth?


Offit distinguishes between broad and nuanced messaging. Nuanced messaging is telling people who should have the medication and who should not. Broad messaging is telling people everyone should have the medication, whether they need it or not. But in the end, all he is really doing is to distinguish between telling the truth and lying.

Should Scientists be Allowed to Tell the Truth? Read Journal Article

DNA RNA plasmid

What is Adulteration of Vaccines, and Why Should You Care?


Drs. David Speicher, Kevin McKernan and colleagues are actually real life, bona fide serious scientific and technical experts in real-world application of sequence and molecular biologic analysis methodology. It is what they do, day in and day out, for a living. Which happens to be the specific technical area which they are reporting on. 

What is Adulteration of Vaccines, and Why Should You Care? Read Journal Article

vaccine india

The Vaccine War: A Technical Review


There are several crowning achievements of Indian scientists over the ages, which Indians can be rightfully proud of: ranging from zero (literally) to Ramanujam’s breathtaking mathematical genius to the recent strides in rocket science (also literal). Covid-19 vaccine development and rollout is most emphatically not among them.

The Vaccine War: A Technical Review Read Journal Article

Thousands of New Zealand Health Service Workers Secretly Exempted from Covid Vaccine Mandates


Senior officials and high-level specialists may have been more likely to secure exemptions, leading to the public perception that ‘elite’ workers were protected from mandates, while ‘replaceable’ workers were refused exemptions.

Thousands of New Zealand Health Service Workers Secretly Exempted from Covid Vaccine Mandates Read Journal Article


How Myocarditis Became the Silent Scandal of Covid Vaccination


Myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle – had never been linked to vaccines before. So when 28 cases were reported to the U.S. vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) in January 2021, it raised eyebrows. By February, the trickle had become a stream. VAERS received 64 more reports, including two deaths. Then in March, Israel and the military started reporting cases too.

How Myocarditis Became the Silent Scandal of Covid Vaccination Read Journal Article

fear of a microbial planet

Ten Examples Where Experts Were Wrong 


Unfortunately, many of these examples are not becoming outdated. Mask mandates have returned in some places, including schools, despite no high-quality supporting evidence. Same for COVID vaccine booster recommendations for healthy people under 65. Many European countries, including Denmark, have altered their recommendations based on careful risk/benefit analyses. Once again, although it would seem obvious that U.S. leaders should have followed suit, that didn’t happen.

Ten Examples Where Experts Were Wrong  Read Journal Article


Healthy Vaccinee Bias: Letter to the Editor of The Lancet Regional Health – Europe


I could have submitted this letter to you, as usually done, and published it here, if rejected. However, I had tried to submit letters three times before and decided to reverse the order this time. Incidentally, my second rejected letter was submitted to The Lancet, and the point I have made there about residual confounding bias was recently exposed (by others) in a letter to the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.

Healthy Vaccinee Bias: Letter to the Editor of The Lancet Regional Health – Europe Read Journal Article