
History articles feature analysis of historical context in relation to censorship, policy, technology, media, economics, and social life.

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public health

The Great Demoralization 


History provides many cases of a beaten down, demoralized, and increasingly poor and censored majority population being ruled over by an imperious, inhumane, sadistic, privileged, and yet tiny ruling class. We just never believed we would become one of those cases. The truth of this is so grim and glaring, and the likely explanation of what happened so shocking, that the entire subject is regarded as something of a taboo in public life. 

The Great Demoralization  Read Journal Article

Fauci's very bad week

Anthony Fauci’s Very Bad Week


Despite Fauci’s wishes, the most extreme aspects of lockdowns gradually faded away in time, most anointed experts can pretend as if the vaccine ended the worst aspects of the pandemic (that’s why the mandates became necessary, if only to maximize uptake and confound the science), and Fauci keeps going on national television, despite his age and wealth, to dial back his responsibility for any aspect of it, including the lockdowns he is on record backing from February 26, 2020, onward. 

Anthony Fauci’s Very Bad Week Read Journal Article

Fauci Hoover Lysenko

J. Edgar Lysenko: A Suitable Name for Anthony Fauci 


History is written by the winners and – at this moment in time – Fauci is on the side of the winners and his public image is unblemished, as is his civil and criminal record. His halo of kindly omnipotence remains largely intact. But as we move forward, the winners may change. 

J. Edgar Lysenko: A Suitable Name for Anthony Fauci  Read Journal Article

confirmed case

First Confirmed Cases in America Were on US Aircraft Carrier


For more than three years,  “official” Covid histories state the first “confirmed” case in America was a man from Washington who’d returned from Wuhan, China.  As developed below, crew members of the USS Roosevelt could, in fact, be listed as “confirmed” cases and by themselves debunk the narrative that America’s first cases came from travelers returning from Wuhan. 

First Confirmed Cases in America Were on US Aircraft Carrier Read Journal Article

Trump White House

At the White House, March 10, 2020, Reconstructed


This is all very alarming of course, and I want no leaks, not today, not ever. We need to pitch this to the American people calmly and with great authority. I think you are all correct that people will follow my lead on this. You have all made your case. Let’s get to work. I’ll send a tweet tomorrow promising to use the full power of the federal government. We are going to beat this. You are about to see Trump in action as never before. 

At the White House, March 10, 2020, Reconstructed Read Journal Article

Decline of the West

Was Spengler Right After All? 


The only thing that the current, deliberately orchestrated onslaught against culture has in common with Spengler’s diagnosis, a century ago, of the demise of Western culture, is precisely that: the controlled demise of culture. Except that, for Spengler, this was an inescapable process that unfolded in the course of centuries (going back to the European Renaissance), whereas at present we are witnessing a hubristic, megalomaniacal attempt to torpedo both Western and other cultures for the sake of retaining financial and hence, political control over world affairs.

Was Spengler Right After All?  Read Journal Article

covid coup

What If There Had Been No Covid Coup?


Once the biowarfare cartel took over the pandemic response, there was only one objective: scare everyone as much as possible to gain compliance with lockdowns and make everyone desperate for vaccines. Public health experts, including the leaders of the NIH, CDC, and NIAID, were no longer authorized to make their own pandemic policy decisions or public announcements. Everyone had to stick to the lockdown narrative.

What If There Had Been No Covid Coup? Read Journal Article

Fauci under the bus

Kadlec Throws Fauci Under the Bus


Robert Kadlec criticizing Tony Fauci for duplicity and mismanagement of the COVIDcrisis is likely to land somewhere between the pot calling the kettle black and a sophisticated, coordinated disinformation campaign intended to distract the public from the sins of the CIA, its surrogates and offshore “five eyes” intelligence allies. In other words yet another limited hangout designed to distract the gullible in Congress as well as the general public – here and abroad.

Kadlec Throws Fauci Under the Bus Read Journal Article