
History articles feature analysis of historical context in relation to censorship, policy, technology, media, economics, and social life.

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Never Again

Never Again Is Now


Throughout the past three years a number of documentary films have sprouted up, which critically dismantle the adoption and enforcement of harsh global covid policies. But first-time director Vera Sharav’s new five-episode docuseries Never Again Is Now Global is the first film to draw parallels between the 1930’s Nazi era when government took control of medicine in order to deploy discriminatory health measures and the restrictive global covid policies enacted since March 2020 under the guise of public health.

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lab leak

Everything You Need to Know About the Lab Leak 


The origin of SARS-CoV-2 is the most important question of the pandemic, with implications that extend exponentially beyond scoring political points. At the start of the pandemic, even the journal Nature was sounding the alarm about the increasing role China’s military has been playing in secretive biomedical research in China. Yet, three years later all we have is obfuscation from China and Fauci and nothing even close to a natural ancestor of SARS-CoV-2.

Everything You Need to Know About the Lab Leak  Read Journal Article

Focused Protection: Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, and Martin Kulldorff

It All Began with Fear


When Covid-19 came along, Laura Dodsworth grew alarmed—not at the virus, but at the fear swirling around it. She watched the fear grow legs and wings and wrap itself around her country. What troubled her most was that her government, historically charged with keeping people calm during times of crisis, seemed to be amplifying the fear. The media, which she had expected to push back against government edicts, gave the fear train an extra shove.

It All Began with Fear Read Journal Article


Eugenics, Then and Now 


We have solid historical and contemporary proof that eugenic ambitions are capable of sweeping up the most elite intellectuals and policy circles. The dream of curating the population by force to make it more fit is a historical reality and not nearly as discredited as people tend to believe. It can always make a return in new guise, with new language, and new excuses. 

Eugenics, Then and Now  Read Journal Article

Focused Protection: Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, and Martin Kulldorff

How Two Conflicting Covid Stories Shattered Society


The two stories continued to unfold in tandem, the gulf between them widening with each passing month. Beneath all the arguments about the science lay a fundamental difference in world view, a divergent vision of the type of world needed to steer humanity through a pandemic: A world of alarm or equanimity? A world with more central authority or more personal choice? A world that keeps fighting to the bitter end or flexes with a force of nature?

How Two Conflicting Covid Stories Shattered Society Read Journal Article

Robert Kadlec

The Early Career of Covid Czar Robert Kadlec


The name Robert Kadlec may mean nothing to you, but anyone who has watched Stanley Kubrick’s Cold War era satirical masterpiece Dr Strangelove will quickly get the idea of who this man is. Colonel Kadlec is the General Ripper of the War on Microbes. It is no small irony that the Biodefense Commission that Kadlec set up in 2014 is funded by the Hudson Institute, which was co-founded by Herman Kahn, the Rand Corporation war gamer. 

The Early Career of Covid Czar Robert Kadlec Read Journal Article


My First Anti-Lockdown Article from 2020


Government power to manage infectious disease is not necessary. It is not likely to be effective, either. And when it is not effective, the tendency is to overreact in the opposite direction, clamping down and abusing, exactly as we’ve seen with the war on terror and China’s response to this virus, which might be as serious as seasonal flu outbreaks. Still, people assume that government is doing its job, government fails, and then government gets more power and does awful things with it.

My First Anti-Lockdown Article from 2020 Read Journal Article

Requiem for Jacinda Ardern’s Political Life 

Requiem for Jacinda Ardern’s Political Life 


Ardern’s government, in an absurd overreach, also funded a nationwide effort to discredit critics of policy, labeling them terrorists. This has divided a formerly egalitarian society, instituting a Stasi-like snitch culture that encourages us to dob in a neighbour. Government Disinformation Project employees appeared on funded films aired on television labeling knitting, blond hair, braids, vaccine hesitancy, love of natural foods, Yoga, and yes, motherhood as signs of terrorism that should be reported to the intelligence services.

Requiem for Jacinda Ardern’s Political Life  Read Journal Article