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Forget About Covid, They Say

Forget About Covid, They Say


By all means, forget about Covid and live life as normally as possible in defiance of those who live to foster fear. But, never forget the disastrous Covid restrictions that created such destruction. We cannot let anyone off the hook, much less pretend that the policy disaster that created billions of personal tragedies never happened. 

Forget About Covid, They Say Read More

DeSantis Round Table

Florida Gov. DeSantis Holds Roundtable on Vaccinations for Healthy Children


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has held another roundtable on Covid and the vaccination with a focus on vaccination for healthy children. The Surgeon General of Florida recommends against such practice. This view was later in the day denounced by Jen Psaki at a White House press conference.

Florida Gov. DeSantis Holds Roundtable on Vaccinations for Healthy Children Read More

The Moral Cruelty of the Pandemic Response


Beyond empathy, to combat a psychic epidemic we need meaning in our lives. Not an ersatz top-down solidarity, dreamt up by technocratic communications experts, but genuine, socially meaningful relationships, purpose and values. Lockdowns and restrictions squashed exactly what we need to flourish as human beings in order to counteract a psychic epidemic. For the good of the collective, we must recapture meaning and values as individuals. 

The Moral Cruelty of the Pandemic Response Read More

The Not-Very-Hidden Agenda of the Fact Checkers


Some anonymous drone at LinkedIn took it upon his or herself (there are no other options) to waste the time and hurt the reputation of a customer. When that customer got fed up by such horrendous abuse from a company that was supposed to provide a service, that same anonymous, unaccountable petty person or collection of people told that customer to go spend money on lawyers to sue LinkedIn for access to the data that customer (erroneously) believes he owns.

The Not-Very-Hidden Agenda of the Fact Checkers Read More


Digital Brownshirts and Their Masters


Digital Brownshirts are just the most visible and forward-leaning elements of a much broader effort to install the logic of the algorithm—a providential and vertically-imposed concept of truth that vitiates traditional fact-finding and admits neither human intelligence nor scientific debate—as a cornerstone of our human interactions and cognitive processes.

Digital Brownshirts and Their Masters Read More

The Nudge: Ethically Dubious and Ineffective


By going with the grain of how we think and act, the state-employed ‘nudgers’ can covertly shape our behaviour in a direction deemed desirable by the regime of the day – an appealing prospect for any government. The ubiquitous deployment of these behavioural strategies – which frequently rely on inflating emotional distress to change behaviour – raises profound moral questions.

The Nudge: Ethically Dubious and Ineffective Read More

My Journalism Students Seem Deeply Confused


What has happened to this student generation? Is the pillar of the fourth estate still that influential even in the age of the Internet and alternative media? Has the pandemic so numbed these hippies’ grandkids that they will not question the hegemony and The Man in the designer socks? Are these students just afraid to go out on the limb of independent thought?

My Journalism Students Seem Deeply Confused Read More

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