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The Artless Partisans of Lockdowns and Mandates


In fact, the great intellectual thought emerging from our times is coming from those opposing vaccine mandates and Covid fearmongering. These names run across the political spectrum, but those from the left are universally categorized by liberals as being “alt-right” or “fringe libertarian,” ensuring that they remain marginalized and carry whatever stigma goes along with being relegated to the internet.

The Artless Partisans of Lockdowns and Mandates Read More

Professor Ehud Qimron

Ehud Qimron’s Powerful Letter to the Israeli Ministry of Health


“When you compare the destructive policies you are pursuing with the sane policies of some other countries — you can clearly see that the destruction you have caused has only added victims beyond the vulnerable to the virus. The economy you ruined, the unemployed you caused, and the children whose education you destroyed — they are the surplus victims as a result of your own actions only.”

Ehud Qimron’s Powerful Letter to the Israeli Ministry of Health Read More

Songbird: The Dystopian Film that Became Real


These seemingly scientific slogans – flatten the curve, slow the spread, socially distance, track-and-trace – mask deeply dangerous policy ideas that can ruin life for everyone, and utterly destroy health and human liberty itself. The film is right: pandemic controls are an existential threat. 

Songbird: The Dystopian Film that Became Real Read More

Patriotic Duty My Eye


As it happens, however, America has already done nearly 800 million tests, yet has some of the worst WITH-Covid mortality statistics in the western world. So we are at a complete loss to comprehend how more government-mediated “testing” will accomplish anything constructive.

Patriotic Duty My Eye Read More

Am I Detecting a Shift at the New York Times?


Reading the New York Times has always required a decoder ring. What this editorial tells me is that the ruling class that did this to this country and the world knows that it is on the losing side of history. They are scrambling fast to dial it back while preserving what they can of their dignity and credibility, both of which are mostly shot. 

Am I Detecting a Shift at the New York Times? Read More

Medpage Today Brownstone Institute

A Medical News Site and Its Misinformation


The first step should be to correct errors, a minimal obligation of all ethical journalism. A second step requires more balanced reporting about the pandemic by, for example, honestly reporting about the success of the pandemic strategies employed by Florida and the Scandinavian countries. The alternative is a continuing erosion of trust in medicine and public health.

A Medical News Site and Its Misinformation Read More

Is YouTube Now Presuming to be in Charge of Science?


If these rules are strenuously enforced, millions of videos, interviews, television shows, lectures, press conferences, and scientific presentations will disappear. Maybe tens of millions actually. And all in the name of protecting “science” against its corruption, as if YouTube should be the determinant of what constitutes good science. 

Is YouTube Now Presuming to be in Charge of Science? Read More

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