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police state lies dormant

Western Australia’s Dormant Police State


For the time being, the police state lies dormant. The SoE has expired, and we have returned to some kind of nanny-state normal. However, the police state infrastructure is in place, and can be engaged at any time should the Premier and his Police Commissioner think it reasonable and necessary. Whatever that means.

Western Australia’s Dormant Police State Read More

Was the Pandemic Orchestrated as a Trial Run for Responding to a Biological Attack?


The pandemic response was largely a creation of the U.S. biodefence network, with China joining in after January 23rd. U.S. intelligence officers had been following the virus (which they, like the CCP, knew was lab-engineered) from mid-November, and the biodefence network made sure news of the virus got out once doctors noticed it, spreading alarm before there was anything really to be alarmed about and treating it immediately as a biosecurity threat.

Was the Pandemic Orchestrated as a Trial Run for Responding to a Biological Attack? Read More

lockdowns abundance

Did Lockdowns Signify the “End of Abundance?”


Locking down the population and subjecting it to draconian restrictions is, for some reason, absolutely central to their vision of changing “what it means to be human.” Bill Gates and other influential elites have pointed to the Covid-19 response as their template for addressing future challenges, and have even floated the possibility of future climate lockdowns (no, sadly this is not a conspiracy theory).

Did Lockdowns Signify the “End of Abundance?” Read More

nonessential transhumanism robots and AI

They Made Me Nonessential 


What seems clear is that this “nonessential” term is a remarkably 21st century phenomenon, part of the same “transhuman” and pseudo-scientific ideology that props up the junk philosophies of people like Klaus Schwab and that have made great swaths of liberal cities, workplaces, and especially educational arenas simply intolerable. For Schwab, the use of robots and AI are the next step in planning for “nonessential” work. 

They Made Me Nonessential  Read More

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