
Analysis of Big Pharma, vaccines, and policy including impacts on public health, economics, open dialog, and social life. Articles on the topic of vaccines are translated into multiple languages.

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Serious Side Effects Exceed the Risk of Hospitalization with COVID-19 in the Swedish Population


In the interests of public health, we implore the authorities to conduct a fully transparent and independent expert review of the available data to provide accurate morbidity, mortality and risk-benefit analyses.

Serious Side Effects Exceed the Risk of Hospitalization with COVID-19 in the Swedish Population Read More

Brown University’s Silence on Post-Vaccine Myocarditis


In March, 2021, two months before enacting its mandatory, aggressive covid-19 vaccination campaign, a healthy 20-year-old male Brown University student was apparently hospitalized for covid-19 vaccine-induced myopericarditis. The University never disclosed this hospitalization, then, till now, ignoring the established ethics of risk/benefit-based informed consent. 

Brown University’s Silence on Post-Vaccine Myocarditis Read More

University Vaccine Mandates Must End Now


One of the most nonsensical aspects of continuing COVID-19 vaccine mandates is that individuals who survived the mandates last year – that is, were fortunate enough to be granted religious and/or medical exemptions – have to reapply this year. Did these religious reasons suddenly change without the person complying with the mandate initially?  Did these medical reasons that were severe enough to compel a physician to write an exemption suddenly go away?  

University Vaccine Mandates Must End Now Read More

Letter to the U.K. Gov from 76 Doctors


This letter lays out comprehensive reasons why the recent U.S. FDA decision authorizing COVID vaccinations in infants and young children must not happen in the UK. The letter is well-sourced and accurate. Let us hope that main-stream media here in the USA and in the UK report on this letter in an unbiased fashion.

Letter to the U.K. Gov from 76 Doctors Read More

A Common Sense Look at 20 million Saved Lives 


The Imperial College authors want us to believe that without the COVID vaccines the world’s total death toll would have risen by at least a third in 2021 (had they included China, their result would have come close to an increase of 50%), and that this rise would have been entirely due to COVID-19. How does this not seem completely ludicrous to anybody with a remnant of common and clinical sense?

A Common Sense Look at 20 million Saved Lives  Read More

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