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essential and nonessential

What They Meant by Essential and Nonessential


Think of totalitarian societies like in The Hunger Games, with a District One and everyone else, or perhaps the old Soviet Union in which the party elites dined in luxury and everyone else stood in bread lines, or perhaps a scene from Oliver! in which the owners of the orphanage got fat while the kids in the workhouse lived on gruel until they could escape to live in the underground economy. It appears that the pandemic planners think of society the same way.

What They Meant by Essential and Nonessential Read More


The Manipulation of the Public Mind


Each of us is, way down, a black-box pool – our innermost thoughts and feelings known only to ourselves, and to God. Honouring that autonomy of thought, and decision making is to respect one’s own and other peoples individuality, freedom and place in the world. By the same token, the manipulation of someone’s free will through deliberate propaganda and psychological tactics is an abomination.

The Manipulation of the Public Mind Read More

World Health Organization abortion

The WHO’s Updated Abortion Care Guideline and Its Implications for Member States


Abortion is a morally complicated area. Policy must be based on compassion and respect for all of humanity. To impose one’s views on others irrespective of evidence and without respect for alternate opinion is a form of fascism. The WHO may have a place in advising on safety of a medical procedure, but not in pontificating over moral rights and wrongs. It is not there to tell people how to live their lives, but to support them with the tools to do so.

The WHO’s Updated Abortion Care Guideline and Its Implications for Member States Read More

Coronamania and the End of the World

Coronamania and the End of the World


Too many Americans are gullible and fearful. Many blindly believe what the media presents and thus, suffer from mass delusion and anxiety. The media feels no obligation to tell the truth. To the contrary, news managers deliberately distort and sensationalize information to create alarm and audience/readership. No institution will punish them for their chicanery. Thus, they continually, routinely misrepresent. 

Coronamania and the End of the World Read More


The Road to Oceania


For many, living in a state of constant surveillance seems only natural – especially for younger generations that have lived their lives online and have had their every movement since childhood tracked by their parents through their phones to ensure their safety. News of government doing the same, although sometimes with fancier tools like automatic license plate readers and facial recognition, no longer even causes a stir. 

The Road to Oceania Read More

mask induced exhaustion syndrome

Long Covid Could be Mask Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES)


Can masks be responsible for a misinterpreted long-COVID-19-syndrome after an effectively treated COVID-19 infection? Nearly 40% of main long-COVID-19 symptoms overlap with mask related complaints and symptoms described by Kisielinski et al. as MIES like fatigue, dyspnea, confusion, anxiety, depression, tachycardia, dizziness, and headache, which we also detected in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of face mask effects in our systematic review. It is possible that some symptoms attributed to long-COVID-19 are predominantly mask-related.

Long Covid Could be Mask Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES) Read More

Read the Label! It’s BioNTech’s Vaccine, Not Pfizer’s


Whether or not it is the intention, the effect of the incessant raging against Pfizer is to hide what is in plain sight: namely, that it is BioNTech’s product and that it is BioNTech, not Pfizer, that has been the main corporate beneficiary of the creation by government fiat of a massive Covid-19 vaccine market.

Read the Label! It’s BioNTech’s Vaccine, Not Pfizer’s Read More

fear of a microbial planet

Fear of a Microbial Planet by Dr. Steve Templeton


It was always pointless to try to stop much less eradicate this virus. We’ve evolved with pathogens and need to learn to live with them without imposing mass psychological, social, economic, and public-health damage. Everyone who panicked to the point of meltdown needs this book as a corrective. And even if you did not, everyone knows someone who did, public-health officials above all else. 

Fear of a Microbial Planet by Dr. Steve Templeton Read More

Japan Covid Panic

The Sad Fallout of Covid Panic in Japan


In January, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida gave a speech expressing worry about Japan’s low birth rate and declining population. However, the Covid panic fostered by government officials and others has probably only compounded this problem. People afraid of human contact and unable to communicate well will likely be discouraged from dating, marrying, and child-bearing. There is no national future in the cultivation of a fearful population.

The Sad Fallout of Covid Panic in Japan Read More

bud light

What the Bud Light Fiasco Reveals about the Ruling Class 


The emergent fissures between the classes – and the diffusions of our ruling class into many sectors public and private – suggest an urgency for a new consciousness of the real meaning of the common good, which is inseparable from liberty. The marketing director of Bud Light talked a good line about “inclusivity” but she plotted to impose everything but that. Her plan was designed for the one percent and to the exclusion of all the people who actually consume the product, to say nothing for the workers who actually make and deliver the product she was charged with promoting.

What the Bud Light Fiasco Reveals about the Ruling Class  Read More

brownstone institute most popular

The Inside Story of Brownstone Institute 


Now only two years since its conception, Brownstone Institute has millions of readers and thousands of backers, people who refuse to go along with whatever they are attempting to build in place of the freedoms we once knew. Our successes are many but the job is far from complete. As we approach the anniversary, we should reflect on our successes but also be realistic about the daunting challenges ahead. 

The Inside Story of Brownstone Institute  Read More

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