
Brownstone Journal Articles, News, Research, and Commentary on public health, science, economics, & social theory

lockdown catastrophe

The Shanghai Catastrophe: Lockdown Ideology at Its Most Extreme


Chinese Communist Party authorities are not fazed whatsoever by the human carnage they have manifested. In media appearances Monday, CCP leaders took to doubling down on “the measures” most admired by the Public Health cartel. They remain tethered to “Zero COVID” fanaticism, defiantly declaring that living with the virus remains off the table.

The Shanghai Catastrophe: Lockdown Ideology at Its Most Extreme Read Journal Article

The China Model Unravels in Shanghai 


Lockdowns are nowhere a solution to pathogenic spread, contrary to the assurances of the WHO or celebrity scientists in the UK or the US. When governments of the world tried to prove their competence by declaring war on cell biology, they finally met their match. No matter how powerful a state, there are forces of nature that will always outsmart it. 

The China Model Unravels in Shanghai  Read Journal Article

The Worship of Zero 


To impose a centrally dictated objective, and a unidimensional one to boot, on complex societies comprised of billions of individuals with extremely diverse preferences and capabilities is to wage war on human nature, and humanity. Sustaining it necessarily requires the application of massive, and massively increasing, coercion. It requires people to “choose” what they would not choose of their own volition. 

The Worship of Zero  Read Journal Article

How Germany’s Crazy New Rules Punish Natural Immunity


In what must be one of the most mind-bending public health measures adopted anywhere in the world during the entire Covid-19 pandemic, Germany recently reduced the period of validity of the country’s Covid-19 “Certificate of Recovery” from 6 months to 90 days – but only for people who are unvaccinated! 

How Germany’s Crazy New Rules Punish Natural Immunity Read Journal Article

Covidians and the Coin Shortage


Just as lockdowns showed very little concern for small businesses and the working classes, who were not in a position to move their lives to Zoom, and the vaccine mandates ignored population risk profiles and natural immunity, the push for contactless payment systems completely disregarded those who were not in a position to make the adjustment. 

Covidians and the Coin Shortage Read Journal Article


The Anatomy of Big Pharma’s Political Reach


The public typically relies on an endorsement from government agencies to help them decide whether or not a new drug, vaccine, or medical device is safe and effective. And those agencies, like the FDA, count on clinical research. As already established, big pharma is notorious for getting its hooks into influential government officials. Here’s another sobering truth: The majority of scientific research is paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.

The Anatomy of Big Pharma’s Political Reach Read Journal Article

Up From Pandemic Exclusion


Covid restrictions amplified the issues by isolating me from the rest of the world, which caused me to forget some of the self-advocacy and socialization skills that I worked to develop throughout my life. Forgetting harms a differently abled individual’s ability to participate fully in community life. Many people do not know about or consider these problems. 

Up From Pandemic Exclusion Read Journal Article