
Philosophy articles feature reflection and analysis about public life, values, ethics, and morals.

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How Long Is the Road to Recovery?


We may eventually get out of the Covid panic. But as long as the soil is fertile; as long as we do not question, do not doubt, but blindly believe and obey, the sword of mass panic, and all the damage done by it, still hangs over our heads. We have to rid ourselves of this threat. What is at stake is freedom and democracy.

How Long Is the Road to Recovery? Read Journal Article


Are We at the End of Progress?


All those dreaming of control like to believe that they should rule the world in order to save it from some great danger. At the end of the day, this is simply a selfish fascist fantasy. The West is now encumbered by huge layers of parasites whose living is made out of exaggerating fears and stealing from people under the guise of saving them. The EU Commission is a particularly glaring example of such a group, but they are everywhere today: people just trying to make a buck, but costing their society dearly.

Are We at the End of Progress? Read Journal Article

talking about vaccine

Why I’m No Longer Talking to People About the Vaccine


As citizens, concerned citizens, we engage in debate not to hear ourselves talk, but to convince others of the truth of what we claim. What is supposed to happen, in a debate, ideally speaking, is that the person who makes the best and most convincing argument carries the day. What that means in everyday language is that if I best you in a debate, you change your mind. The same goes for me. Evidence changes people’s minds. 

Why I’m No Longer Talking to People About the Vaccine Read Journal Article

ideological possession

Ideological Possession Is the Real Pandemic


Although pandemics of ideological possession can be fatal to entire societies, the disease provides immediate benefits to each afflicted individual, such as intellectual certainty and stability, feelings of moral superiority, an apparent simplification of life’s difficult decisions and questions, avoidance of true moral responsibility, and a sense of belonging among others similarly afflicted. All of these tend to prevent self-treatment. 

Ideological Possession Is the Real Pandemic Read Journal Article

we are still locked down

We Are Still Locked Down


Two Christmases came and went when we were told that meeting and celebrating the season was a biohazard and not recommended. In some places, it was forbidden. It’s hard to imagine a more grim policy and it still shocks us to think back and realize that it was all deliberate. One means to reverse this horror is simple: find friends, celebrate together, share stories and ideals, promote peace and love, and work to rebuild what we have lost.

We Are Still Locked Down Read Journal Article

thou shalt not

We Need a List: Thou Shalt Nots of Public Health 


Civil society in general and public health specifically needs a list of “Thou shalts” and “Thou shalt nots.” Without them, any evil imaginable can be justified when the next panic hits. If we want to avoid a repeat of 2020 or, God forbid, something even worse, we must make it clear what we will never ever do, no matter how scared we might get. Otherwise, the siren call of “just saving one life” may lead us to previously unthinkable evils.

We Need a List: Thou Shalt Nots of Public Health  Read Journal Article

woke totalitarianism

Woke Is the Handmaiden of Totalitarianism 


Woke is an immensely important cornerstone of the new fascist society Elmer fears is around the corner, not only its visible signs, such as mass compliance with mask mandates and lockdowns, but no less in the atomization based on the denial of our common rationality, a direct consequence of the radical relativism that accepts nothing as valid except individual subjective experience. 

Woke Is the Handmaiden of Totalitarianism  Read Journal Article

crime amnesty accountability justice

Covid Crimes and Amnesty, Accountability and Justice


The victims of casual cruelty, capricious public health diktats and enforcement brutality are owed justice. But what type of justice? It might be helpful to look at examples from the theory and practice of international criminal justice. The sense of justice, fairness and equity is deeply ingrained in human beings.

Covid Crimes and Amnesty, Accountability and Justice Read Journal Article

focused protection

Focused Protection Is Embedded in our Calendar


Don’t allow these days to make you sedentary and depressed for this will hurt your well-being, but rather stay spiritually connected in every way possible, including with your loved ones and community. If we survive the winter, let us celebrate the life which we have been blessed with. And let us never let anyone convince us to do otherwise, even if they claim to speak in the name of “public health.”

Focused Protection Is Embedded in our Calendar Read Journal Article

public health officials

We Need Mass Resignations 


Pick your reason for the current outrage: stupidity, ignorance, or craving for power. Any of those should disqualify these people from serving in any capacity related to or associated with public health. Consideration should also be given to firing those who put these people into positions to cause suffering in those they were ostensibly hired to protect.

We Need Mass Resignations  Read Journal Article

World Health Organization

The World Health Organization and Its Holy Days of Obligation 


Of all organisations, the WHO, with its calendar of Holy Days as an aide memoire, should have recognised how so many aspects of health and well-being interlock, and how fighting an existential war with one pathogen would impact other priorities. It had a sane and proportionate respiratory pandemic plan in 2019. 

The World Health Organization and Its Holy Days of Obligation  Read Journal Article