
Philosophy articles feature reflection and analysis about public life, values, ethics, and morals.

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Compassion Unhinged: The Robespierres of Lockdownism


For the Robespierres of lockdownism, the object of pity became those “vulnerable” to Covid, and set against this “more touching calamity” the needs of other classes – chiefly children and the poor – were held to count for little. Indeed, the members of those classes could be visited with all manner of cruelties given the bigger goal the lockdown proponents hoped to achieve.

Compassion Unhinged: The Robespierres of Lockdownism Read More

How the Pandemic Response Changed My Thinking 


What we really need is a system that is safe for freedom and human rights that protects those ideals even when the madness of crowds – or the arrogance of intellectuals or the lust for power of the bureaucrats – wants to scrap them. And that means revisiting the very foundations of what kind of world in which we want to live. What we once believed was a settled matter has been completely upended. Figuring out how to recover and restore is the great challenge of our times. 

How the Pandemic Response Changed My Thinking  Read More

Lockdowns, Closures, and the Loss of Moral Clarity


Perpetual decline and fall is not inevitable. It is fixable but every powerful force out there, especially mainstream media, seems to stand against that. It is all designed to demoralize us and cause us to give up. We cannot accept this fate. There is still time, providing that we understand what is happening and the grave consequences of letting it all take place without a fight. 

Lockdowns, Closures, and the Loss of Moral Clarity Read More


Why Won’t They Admit Failure?


Looking back, there is nothing terribly surprising about any of this. It’s a consequence of safety culture, arrogant elites, and a belief that powerful, rich, and intelligent people can manage the world better than the rest of us. We’ve been here many times in history, and it has always foreshadowed a long period of suffering. 

Why Won’t They Admit Failure? Read More

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