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Why Academia Is Drawn to Fascism


Central to the lure of fascism is the lie that power will not corrupt us. As illustrated poignantly in The Hobbit, the lure of fascism – even to the morally upright person – is the delusion that he can both hold absolute power and continue to be a morally good person. By succumbing to the lure of power, an otherwise good person succumbs to the lie that power corrupts everyone else, but not himself, because he is Better.

Why Academia Is Drawn to Fascism Read Journal Article

Trudeau Is Playing with Fire


Will Justin Trudeau back down and negotiate? Capitulate? Or will Trudeau’s classless verbal attacks morph into physical retaliation against the mostly working class truckers, their supporters on the ground in Ottawa and the millions of Canadians who also disagree with him and his sweeping mandates and are demanding their freedom?

Trudeau Is Playing with Fire Read Journal Article

Some People Will Follow Authority – “The Science” – to Their Doom 


And, even after the most cataclysmic events predicted by “The Science” have not come to pass, there remains a core group of true believers who are convinced “The Science” had simply gotten the date or the variant wrong and that the End of Days are still to come unless we all remain vigilant by forever being ready to mask up and lock down when “The Science” says it’s time.

Some People Will Follow Authority – “The Science” – to Their Doom  Read Journal Article

Canada Can Be Restored


We have endured two full years of their near total suppression. What I saw at the truck stop, however, proves that Canadians are not only resilient but also ready to come back to life and rebuild this country as soon as they are given the chance — or perhaps, once enough of them decide to take that chance.

Canada Can Be Restored Read Journal Article

Now is the Time for Mass Resignations from Within the Ruling Class


The obvious answer to the current instability is mass resignations within the administrative state and among the class of politicians that gives it cover. In the name of peace, human rights, and the renewal of prosperity and trust, this needs to happen today. Bury the pride and do what’s right. Do it now while there is still time for the revolution to be velvet. 

Now is the Time for Mass Resignations from Within the Ruling Class Read Journal Article

Grading the Governors: Who Locked Down and Who Opened?


Not one governor performed perfectly during the pandemic and lockdowns. With media pressure, a desire to balance their constituents, and a desire to get reelected and move on to federal positions down the road, it was an enormously difficult job for all of them. For every single one, from Governors Newsom and Cuomo to Noem and DeSantis, it was the most challenging policy-making of their careers, and for any governor in perhaps American history

Grading the Governors: Who Locked Down and Who Opened? Read Journal Article

It Was All There in the EUA. Why Couldn’t They See it? 


In a world where, to paraphrase Zygmunt Bauman, all is liquid and most are driven by the search for fleeting sensations, and where establishing a personal hermeneutic through reading and contemplation is considered quaintly quixotic when not impossible, the mutterings of the authority figure nearby take on an enhanced attraction. 

It Was All There in the EUA. Why Couldn’t They See it?  Read Journal Article