
Philosophy articles feature reflection and analysis about public life, values, ethics, and morals.

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ten principles of public health

Ten Principles of Public Health that Could Save Society


Much of society’s future will be determined by the motivations and integrity of the public health institutions and their workforce. A lot of humility will be required, but this has always been the case. The world will have to watch and see whether those in the field have the courage and integrity to do their job.

Ten Principles of Public Health that Could Save Society Read Journal Article

Brownstone Institute support

Brownstone, Moral Courage, and the Fight of Our Lives 


Supporting Brownstone is a way of making a difference and effectively saying: we are not willing to give in and give up. We’ve come too far as societies and people to turn back now. We will not give the keys to the kingdom to Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Sam Bankman-Fried, much less the New York Times and Mark Zuckerberg. They might seem to have all the money and power but we have something they lack: dedicated moral passion to tell the truth. 

Brownstone, Moral Courage, and the Fight of Our Lives  Read Journal Article

covid response psychological

If We Only Knew


Moral endurance is a problem these days. Empathy is low, and not just on the pro-narrative side. I don’t know about you but the feeling I can’t quite ignore or reconcile these days, something I am not proud of as an ethicist or a human being, is a palpable feeling of being numb. Numb to the repetition of history’s atrocities, numb to the laziness of the compliant who helped to create the world in which we now live, numb to inauthentic pleas for amnesty.

If We Only Knew Read Journal Article

plausibility not science

Plausibility But Not Science Has Dominated Public Discussions of the Covid Pandemic


Many other instances of plausible scientific claptrap or bad science have occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. Medical journals routinely and uncritically publish this nonsense as long as conclusions align with government policies. This body of fake knowledge has been promulgated at the highest levels, by the NSC, FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, Wellcome Trust, AMA, medical specialty boards, state and local public health agencies, multinational pharma companies and other organizations around the world that have violated their responsibilities to the public or have purposely chosen not to understand the fake science. 

Plausibility But Not Science Has Dominated Public Discussions of the Covid Pandemic Read Journal Article

mass formation psychosis totalitarianism

New Thinking on Mass Formation Psychosis


While the inner world of the Truth Speaker might be our last refuge, even if we feel we have nothing else and are completely overpowered by fanatical totalitarians who deny us all other space and companionship, we need to think and act much bigger. We are not that small or downtrodden, nor as isolated. We can win, and we will.

New Thinking on Mass Formation Psychosis Read Journal Article

deification of mathematical modeling

The Deification of Mathematical Modeling


These weren’t prophets warning us about the future. They were profiteering charlatans who knew what they were paid to predict. Their training taught them that this was utter statistical malpractice but not one of them objected as to how their work was being used. It was produced to be propaganda and they were happy to please their benefactors.

The Deification of Mathematical Modeling Read Journal Article

lockdowns abundance

Did Lockdowns Signify the “End of Abundance?”


Locking down the population and subjecting it to draconian restrictions is, for some reason, absolutely central to their vision of changing “what it means to be human.” Bill Gates and other influential elites have pointed to the Covid-19 response as their template for addressing future challenges, and have even floated the possibility of future climate lockdowns (no, sadly this is not a conspiracy theory).

Did Lockdowns Signify the “End of Abundance?” Read Journal Article

Who Ultimately Wins in a Society of Flash Mob Moralists? 


While it may make a lot of people feel good about themselves at the moment, it will only further corrode trust in the rule of law— a shift that always favors the powerful—and take valuable energy away from the urgent task of fighting massive and systematic government and corporate assaults on our dignity and freedom.

Who Ultimately Wins in a Society of Flash Mob Moralists?  Read Journal Article

Only Experts Can Fill Ice Cube Trays 


Those simple instructions are comforting, now that our lives also come with their own set of instructions. Those superiors who somehow missed their destinies in writing instructions for plastic ice cube trays now work in public health. Pay no attention to the accumulated knowledge from prior generations. For goodness sake don’t read for yourselves, despite virtually everything being available online. And at all costs remember that children do not deserve special attention. 

Only Experts Can Fill Ice Cube Trays  Read Journal Article

The Long Road Ahead


The reality is that people do still vote for their captors. They really do not want to admit the damage they have been party to, even if that damage is to their own children, their own businesses, and their own communities. The big takeaway is that what Charles MacKay said in 1841 really does hold: “Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.” Recovering senses takes years, not months. 

The Long Road Ahead Read Journal Article