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The Compliance Conundrum


As we demarcate our own comfort zones, we could all use an extra dose of compassion for those who make different calibrations. Whichever strategy claims our allegiance—persisting with strict compliance or loosening the reins—it pays to remember that people on the other side want the pandemic to end as much as we do: they simply disagree on how it will happen.

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Deep Inside Our Heads and Our Communal Lives


We are, under the pressure of what is arguably the most ambitious and well-coordinated perception management campaign in history, having some of our more basic perceptual and behavioral instincts rapidly bred out of our lives. And worse yet, most people have yet to fathom or even contemplate the actual reasons why this is being done and, what it all portends for the future of human dignity and freedom. 

Deep Inside Our Heads and Our Communal Lives Read Journal Article

Why the Vaccine Nationalism?


Most countries are pursuing their vaccine strategy in line with their current alliance structure. This reality does not seem to conform to the narrative of a global, devastating plague, but rather, a geopolitical struggle in the name of a virus. China’s allies are committing to China’s vaccines. Russia’s allies are committing to Russia’s vaccines. The Western world is committing to the U.S.-based shots, plus the Oxford-Astrazeneca shot.

Why the Vaccine Nationalism? Read Journal Article

They Said They Would Slow the Spread


What a stunning repudiation of state policy – the worst failing of public health and public policy perhaps in the history of the US if not the entire world. We are right now living in its last days. Remember these days, my friends. They are legion and mark what is likely the end of the great fiasco. 

They Said They Would Slow the Spread Read Journal Article

The Collins and Fauci Attack on Traditional Public Health


When we wrote the Declaration, we knew that we were putting our professional careers at risk, as well as our ability to provide for our families.  That was a conscious decision on our part, and we fully sympathize with people who instead decided to focus on maintaining their important research laboratories and activities.

The Collins and Fauci Attack on Traditional Public Health Read Journal Article

Students with Disabilities Need the Least Restrictive Environment


More than other members of society, children are at a critical phase in development, with their well-being largely dependent on the good judgement of the adults around them. As we wrap up the holiday season, full of reminders of the innocence and joy of childhood, it’s time to embrace our responsibility, as adults, to protect that innocence through reasonable pandemic policy. 

Students with Disabilities Need the Least Restrictive Environment Read Journal Article

The Psychological Cruelty of Denying Natural immunity


Take away the knowledge of natural immunity, and thus the realization that there can be a better life on the other side of sickness, and you leave people with existential emptiness and a lasting sense of despair. No one can live that way. No one should have to. 

The Psychological Cruelty of Denying Natural immunity Read Journal Article