Who Owns BioNTech?
BioNTech is a very closely held company, the great majority of whose shares are owned by just three people.
BioNTech is a very closely held company, the great majority of whose shares are owned by just three people.
Lockdowns were futile and detrimental, mask mandates were futile, Covid vaccines were marginally beneficial, futile, or worse, and influential studies of vaccine effectiveness contain at least one major flaw, and probably more. These truths will become common knowledge when contemporary, brainwashed Covid scientists are replaced by a new generation of scientists with inquisitive minds.
Thousands of Averted Covid Deaths in Israel: Science Fiction Read Journal Article
Woke’s lust for destruction has emerged from the heart of a decaying Western society. Woke is an attack on the most potent and healthy elements of that society, backed by the super-rich who seek more control. At once a sterile new religion of the useless to celebrate uselessness, a fanatical doomsday cult, and a thief of what is good, healthy and self-affirming, woke represents in four letters what ails the West, and the antithesis of what is needed to heal the West.
If McKernan’s findings are verified, the implications are serious. Widespread DNA contamination would bring into question the quality of the entire mRNA injection manufacturing process, safety systems, and regulatory oversight. In addition, DNA might not be the only contaminant.
The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery Read Journal Article
So many of our narratives contort public policy failures into a simulated pride for apocryphal success, incidentally acknowledging the imperfections in order to cover the bodies. From the initial days of the lockdowns, there were way too many people with paychecks talking. All the voices on all of our telescreens enjoyed uninterrupted direct deposit while aggressively advocating the closure of tens of thousands of small businesses – first to flatten the curve, then to slow the spread, then to await the vaccines.
Downplaying. That has been a handy weapon against anything that threatened the official Covid narrative. Downplaying skeptical voices, downplaying uncertainties, downplaying contradictory data. I recently described a typical example of the latter from Denmark. Here is another one, from Israel, which gives us a dual opportunity.
Downplaying the Adverse Effects of Boosters Read Journal Article
It is also likely that some mutual back-scratching is at play in Pfizer’s support for the Voice. The Australian Government did Pfizer a solid when it signed off on secret Covid vaccine contracts that the public is not privy to, provisionally approved the under-tested shots despite glaring reasons not to, and purchased stocks in gross excess, resulting in massive wastage. Now, it’s Pfizer’s turn to add value to the Australian Government’s agenda. As previously mentioned, the sitting government is leading the YES campaign for the Voice referendum.
If we would seek to have the agencies of public health act as something other than a marketing arm and apologist for the revolving door of Pharma with whom they seem to so regularly swap staff and sinecure then it must once more be turned to serve the public. It may do so only if it regains the public trust and such trust, once lost, may only be restored by asking the hard questions and diligently following the answers wherever so they may lead until we may understand what went wrong, hold the negligent or malefactors to account, and have the means to prevent this from happening again.
Farewell Questions for Rochelle Walensky Read Journal Article
Scientists must stop making incorrect comparisons, and health authorities must stop claiming that the serious symptoms and injuries linked to vaccination are “very rare,” while at the same time omitting to inform that the risk of corresponding, infection-related afflictions in the unvaccinated state actually is lower.
Comparing Risks: The Right and Wrong Way Read Journal Article
This is a story of an author who promoted COVID-19 vaccine uptake among adolescents while failing to disclose significant competing interests (e.g., his holding of an unrestricted research grant from Pfizer). This is also a story of a failure of the author’s publisher Nature Reviews Cardiology to enforce Nature Portfolio’s declaration-of-competing-interests policy.
A Failure to Disclose Competing Interests Read Journal Article
The Biden administration will end the vaccine mandate for health care workers on May 11. But don’t expect politicians and bureaucrats to honor the “First, Do No Harm” rule in the future. Inside the Beltway, federal edicts will likely continue to be “close enough for government work” to sane health care policies.
Biden’s Sham Compassion for His Covid Persecution Victims Read Journal Article
Though almost all lab-based scientific research and advancements carry at least a tiny element of risk, nothing like the level of terminal, global, and trans-generational risk of GOF has – to the public’s knowledge – been undertaken since the Manhattan Project and the study of radiation. And even that had very specific, very probable, and very real and tangible benefits (useful for “pure” or basic science, ending World War II, power generation, nuclear medicine, etc.) that GOF cannot begin to claim.