
Economics articles featuring analysis of the global censorship industrial complex, impacts on public health, free trade, liberty, and policy.

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Stop Blaming Workers for the Labor Shortage


It’s useful to think about in terms of what happened in March of 2020. It was then that politicians aggressively took away freedom. The very humans who drive all progress had become a lethal menace to one another, according to politicians and experts. Suddenly eating in a restaurant, trying on clothes in a clothing store, flying on a plane, or merely touching one’s face had life or death qualities.

Stop Blaming Workers for the Labor Shortage Read More

The Cure Was Vastly Worse than the Disease 


If we don’t keep speaking out about the horrors that the “public health” mafia, liberal elite, and mainstream scientific narrative has wrought upon us, we will continue down a path toward tyranny of a tiny coterie of “experts” who have perhaps intentionally led us into a miasma of destroyed human lives and societies. 

The Cure Was Vastly Worse than the Disease  Read More

The Spasmodic Chaos of the Post-Lockdown US Economy


The business sector is flying blind: It can’t forecast what’s coming down the pike in the normal manner based on tried and true rules of cause and effect. In many cases, the normal market signals have gone kerflooey as exemplified by the recent big box retailers’ warnings that they are loaded with the wrong inventory and will be taking painful discounts to clear the decks.

The Spasmodic Chaos of the Post-Lockdown US Economy Read More

Covid Exposed the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex 


The Med/Pharma/Gov establishment, including the NIH and CDC, hasn’t saved America during 2020-22. To the contrary, Covid interventions have worsened overall societal outcomes. These net harms should have inflicted—and, depending on longer-term vaxx effects, may yet inflict—a big black eye on the Medical Industrial Complex. 

Covid Exposed the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Government Complex  Read More

Is the WEF the Headquarters of Evil?


The total disconnect between what Schwab’s pandemic conference said should be done and what actually happened during covid times is once again proof that Klaus is not led by his principles.  If he were, he would have been loudly protesting what has gone on over the past two years. Instead, he is merely riding his “good luck” that the leaders who came to drink champagne at his events have now embraced him as their supposed figurehead. 

Is the WEF the Headquarters of Evil? Read More

The Economic Meltdown Has Roots in Lockdown


It was not the poor, the working classes, or the person on the street who did this. These policies were not an act of nature. They were never even voted upon by legislatures. They were imposed by men and women with unchecked administrative power under the mistaken belief that they had it all under control. They never did and they do not now. 

The Economic Meltdown Has Roots in Lockdown Read More

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